Anti-Slip Tape For Baths – An effective slip reduction solution.

This clear bath tape is foot friendly and non-abrasive to skin while being hygienic, easy to clean and mildew resistant. Just think of the added safety you will be offering.

As a facilities manager of a hotel or residence, you have a responsibility to the guests or residents. Slip accidents from bath tubs is a regular issue and it can be so easily addressed. Clear embossed anti slip strips for baths and showers can meet this requirement.

Embossed vinyl anti slip strips for baths

Clear Bath Tape

It’s a clear (almost invisible) tape that is not abrasive on the skin. This anti-slip tape is especially made for reducing accidents in the bathroom or sauna – an invisible grip making it safe to step in and out of the bath or sauna room.

Clear embossed anti slip strips for bath and showers

This clear embossed anti slip strips for bath and showers is foot friendly and non-abrasive to skin while being hygienic, easy to clean and mildew resistant. Just think of the added safety you will be offering to your residents and guests now!

Vinyl anti slip tape for showers and baths

There are other anti slip tapes you could consider for many areas of your residebce and leisure complexes to help reduce risk to staff and guests.

Don’t wait for a slip, call Anne on 021 855 1509 or fill in the form to book a meeting and we will return your call or email rapidly. You’ll be happy that you have relied on

Author: Sales Marketing

Non-Slip has grown steadily since 2009, while adding to the portfolio and knowledge - with a focus on YOU by supplying you with a quality of service. Contact us on 021 855 1509 to learn how we can help out with your slippery issues.