Transparent or Clear Safety Tapes

Clear Safety Tape For Glass Steps

For asthetic purposes, consider clear safety tape in 50mm or 100mm tread widths. Really great for your wood or glass steps.

Anti Slip Tape Black and Clear
Anti Slip Tape Black and Clear

The above photo shows the difference between the black anti-slip tape and the transparent tape, with a sample glued to newspaper to show the clarity of the transparent grit tape.

Vinyl Safety Tape For Bath Tubs And Showers

Looking for a clear vinyl antislip safety tape for bath tubs and shower basins?

This vinal tape is not as rough as the transparent safety grip grit tape so it is naturally more skin friendly.

TIP! Once you have laid the tape, run a seel of glue around the edge of the tape – this helps reduce moisture seepage under your grit tape and ensures a secure bond.

Below is a photo displaying the different visual properties of the vinyl (on the left) and the transparent (on the right) anti-slip tapes.

Vinyl and Clear Antislip Tape Comparison
Vinyl and Clear Antislip Tape Comparison

To find out more about the range of clear tapes call now or contact us. We can help you decide on the correct tape for glass and wooden steps or aqua tapes for baths and showers.