Continued …
Statistics relating to slip and trip incidents
Here are some facts from the UK’s Health & Safety Government website which more than adequately explains some of those unfortunate statistics relating to slip and trip incidents:-
- 33 percent of all reported major injuries are slip/trip related
- 20% of staff are off for more than 3 days as a result of their injuries
- 2 fatalities per year (it is likely that the number attributable is much higher than reported)
- 50% of all reported accidents to members of the public are slip related
- Cost to employers estimated at £512m per year (2005) and an increase of 5% compound would mean £622m
- Incalculable human cost
- 1 slip or trip accident happens every 3 minutes
Source Health & Safety Executive ( 1 Dec 2005
Don’t become a company statistic – it could cost you thousands or even hundreds of thousand of Pounds with lawyers and you might still lose. Doing nothing is no longer an excuse or an option. So make sure you call or email immediately – we will ensure that you can feel the results for yourself and soon listen to positive results from colleagues and workers.
You should organise a site visit with to ensure that slip-fall accidents due to wet slippery tiles are a thing of the past.
What You Won’t Want To Read!
So you already appreciate that you won’t want to go legal because of the financial implications (even if you win!) however there are significant hidden costs associated with slip accidents.